Jumat, 30 November 2012


Ini bukan ekspresi ketidakikhlasan terhadap sesuatu yg sudah terjadi
bukan pula krn aku merasa kehilangan
menyesal??rasanya tak ada yg perlu disesali

aku hanya sedikit rindu
pada masa itu
ketika semua masih kuat terikat
ketika idealisme masih tajam terukir
aku rindu masa itu
ketika langkah kita masih terayun searah
tegap, tak terhalangi, dan tanpa keraguan
aku rindu masa itu
ketika wangi matahari dan harum debu jalanan menjadi kawan setia
ketika inbox HP ku penuh terisi sms perintah dan sedikit amarah

aku rindu masa itu
saat senyummu menjadi bahagiaku dan lukaku menjadi tangismu

ini bukan ekspresi kesedihan
hanya saja memori itu terkadang melintas tiba-tiba


Life Is a Choice

Here I am, This is Me. So young and strong, Right here in the place where I belong
(Bryan Adams)

Kau memang memiliki banyak sifat dan kekuatan yg dibanggakan oleh voldemort, kau akan jadi orang hebat di slytherin. Lalu mengapa kau ada di Gryffindor? Karena kau yg meminta. Ingat Harry, bukan kemampuan yang menentukan dimana kita akan berada melainkan pilihan (Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret)

Ini bukan tentang uang, aku hanya ingin bermain di tim ini sepanjang karirku. Barcelona sudah memberikan semua untukku dan keluargaku (Andres Iniesta)

Wahai Ibu, kalaupun kau memiliki 10 nyawa lalu satu persatu tercabut dari tubuhmu, aku tetap tak akan meninggalkan Agama yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad (Mush’ab bin Umair)

Walau kau letakkan matahari ditangan kananku, dan bulan ditangan kiriku, aku tetap takkan berhenti untuk menyebarkan Risalah ini (Muhammad bin Abdullah SAW)

Kawan, berbahagialah jika kita menjadi orang yang bisa konsisten dengan pilihan kita karena pada kenyataannya tak banyak manusia yang bisa memiliki sikap dan menentukan pilihan dengan keteguhan hati, tanpa tergoyahkan oleh apapun. Keyakinan adalah kemewahan yg tidak dimiliki semua orang..berbahagialah..

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

a letter from Israel (former Palestine)

in Here
It is not clear anymore
Whether the Palestinians WHO throw the stones?
Or Those stones WHO seek for the Palestinians to be thrown
the stones is also part of the Stolen land, isn't it?

in Here
There are many things clear
There was buried with bodies who lives
Some die before birth
Is not human already living in the womb before birth?

Outside there
people talk about rights
giving the things they aren't entitled to
to those who also do not have any right
divide which is not his own
and not to the owner
and the palestinians
seek their Right in the middle of screaming about rights

in here
now become unwelcome guests
Jews who were expelled at Outside there
now become expulsive

in Jerusalem
Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, Yusya '
David, Solomon, Zachariah, John, Ishaq, Ya'qub
take the weak rights from the strong
hit the oppressors

there is a spirit of all time
at every age

There are spirit of every Ummah
at each place
there are embers which is not extinguished
should not be extinguished

in Jerusalem
Prophets come and go
Fury destroyed and emerging
prophethood has ended
and tyrants do not want to go

in Jerusalem
land of the prophets and apostles
there are prophets who were massacred
there are people who humiliated
There is a RELIGION humiliated ...

take the embers and do not take it off with tears
blow with breath
heat the soul
waged guts
iron formed by the embers

it is not important anymore,whether the stone is able to resist bullets
it is not unthinkable anymore if Nazi learn from the crematorium or not
there is no fear even if the palestine change to crematory of Israel
the only thing we fear of is
when our bones
or our ashes
crying sad and cursing blame
saw one from Nigeria
or a group of Indonesian
at one time who may not be far
stand on the Mount of Olives
and pointed;
There was once MASJID AL AQSHA

and all of us have ever admired their grandeur

Mount of Olives, 1991

(translated from the book "Holocaust Myth Broker: notes from the trip in Israel" by Grace Zaenal)